Jyotish Jeweler

Artistic and original jewelry in harmony with your stars.

Hello and Welcome:

As a certified Jyotish Visharad (Master of Jyotish) I am available to provide insightful readings for any life situation.

I create handcrafted sattvic and uplifting personalized planetary remedies for personal adornment, astral remedies and Vastu.

Coming Soon! The Golden Keys to Prasna

A new book on prasna (horary) that presents a practical, accurate and consistent method for judging prasna charts culled from classical works and forty years of practice.

Certified Jyotish Visharad from the Systems' Institute of Hindu Astrology, Gurgaon, India.

Certified Planetary Gem Adviser from the Institute of Planetary Gemology, PGA, Bangkok, Thailand.

All services and advice offered through this website are based on ancient wisdom systems adapted for modern times and carry no guarantee like modern/commercial products. Customers assume their own responsibility in this regard.